March 05, 2015

Converts and Cradle Catholics: A False Division

The idea of Cradle Catholic vs. Converts is a false division.

God invites every Christian to become a convert every morning. Every Catholic is called to conversion of life on a daily basis.

We can't change the past. All we can do is change our mind about what we did in the past and how we will act in the future. That is the meaning of conversion. God invites us to do it moment by moment and that is the meaning of ongoing conversion

I was baptized 29 days after birth. Every morning I wake up, fall to my knees and pray, "God, come to my assistance. Lord make haste to help me." Then I ask God for the strength to do his will and promise to try my best cooperate with his grace and do better than I did yesterday.

The search for Gospel simplicity requires continual examination, that is, the effort "to do the truth", by constantly returning to the initial gift of the divine call which is at the root of one's own religious experience.
- St. Pope John Paul II,
Message to Abbot Dom Mauro Meacci on the occasion of the 1500th anniversary of the foundation of St Benedict's first monastery at Subiaco, Italy.

It goes by many names... repentance, metanoia, conversio, change... 

Every single one of us was born into original sin. Greed, self-loathing, fear and pride all cover the divine image. The divine image is washed clean at baptism so that we can move from the image of God to the likeness of God. God converts every single one of us at Baptism. We are all converts. We are called to conversion after our baptism as much as we are prior.

When we decide to change we are a covert just as much as the person who is baptized into Christ's Body at the Easter Vigil. In fact, baptism is the main reason why I go to the Easter Vigil. It is where all Catholics "return to the initial gift of the divine call", renew their baptismal promises and commit to ongoing conversion. 
